The wave flume of the EUMER is equipped with technology for generating regular
and random waves. The flume is 45.0 m long, 1.4 m wide and has a maximum
working depth of 1.5 m. The piston type wave paddle is equipped with active
wave-absorbing systems to reduce the effect of reflected waves within the flume
and can generate random sea states to any required spectral form, e.g.,
JONSWAP, Pierson-Moskowitz, or user defined. Second order wave effects,
including long waves and set-down, are realistically represented. The flume is
equipped with a series of glass windows, covering most of the flume length on
one side. These windows provide visibility into the test section, allowing for the
recording of wave/structure interactions. At the end of the flume there is a
parabolic absorption device specifically designed to absorb the incident waves.